This one is titled "Seattle Hipsters Scare SUV Off the Road" -- you'll probably see a lot of it. The cascade of flailing sled action and beer cans seals the deal.
Is it from 2012? 2010? Who knows. Sledders always win.
As for this stuff, it's far from what CHS experienced in person on Wednesday. We were taking a little R&R time to sled a neighborhood street Wednesday when the police arrived. All of the adults -- some of whom had read this -- stopped sledding as the cops hung out in their cruiser at the top of the street sledding hill. The kids didn't care and kept going. One of the cops got out of the car and told everybody to stop sledding because it was dangerous and against the law. He then got back in the car and everybody milled about a bit while the cruiser idled. Finally, the officers drove off and everybody got back to shooting down the hill. Via my police radio scanner -- yes, I was sledding with my scanner on this busy day -- I heard the cop who lectured us radio in to dispatch. "We checked out the XXXX call and nobody was there. It's all clear." Everybody was happy.
UPDATE: While we're watching movies, check out this fun piece by @jaypurcell:
11:26AM - UPDATE - OK. Sledders don't *always* win. Thanks @brainbrian for the picture and making a point.